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Log Beds and the Crew behind the Scenes


Updated: Oct 29, 2024

We are craftsmen. All the furniture on our floor was created by someones hands.

Our sawmill has had 4 guys, then up to 18 guys, and now down to our core 5 - My husband, father, brother, and Micheal & Levi who have over 75 years of experience between them!

Micheal has a rich history with Log Beds. All along the way he has used his artistic eye keeping our furniture beautiful and ready for your home. The Hill Country Cedar is unique to our region and is full of twists and turns not normally found in lumber used. When working with Logs it is not about perfecting but defining the character hidden in each tree. Our furniture is derived from the local Hill country and each piece is full of character which shines after going through Mikes hands.

Over 25 years of experience and thousands of pieces of furniture, Mike is a trusted, and priceless part of Log Beds.

There is something magical that happens to a raw material when the first coat of lacquer gets sprayed on. Drawing out the colors and details of the grains that hid beneath the tree that once grew along the Hills of our small town.

We have been processing Cedar for over 30 years now! From the surrounding forests to the stacks of boards drying in the kiln room. From spring morning cedar chopping to summer time pressure washing, Levi processes from beginning to end. He keeps the shop flowing flawlessly with his hands on ever piece of furniture. from the time it leaves the kiln to the moment it is shaped and ready for its final end.

His hands are stained with the sap and scared with years of hard work. We appreciate his diligence and reliability!

Artists are born, craftsmen are created.

Troy and I have our differences but similar stories. Growing up in a family business meant creativity is not something expected, but required. We grew up running around the saw mill and quickly found ourselves rotating through different rolls. Troy has been trained since he was old enough to operate a chop saw. After years of hard work, marriage, and 4 kids later, Troy's creativity has blossomed and is inspired by his heart of excellence. Our showroom may be displayed by me, but each piece has a personal touch which begins in the hands of an artist.

Troys furniture line will be available soon, but now you can see his creativity lighting our showroom. Follow our Available Today page to keep up to date on Troy's personal pieces as well as any other items that are on our floor today!

My favorite of all (of course😉) is my husband Angel. He joined our team just a year ago, but has worked for the Klaassen family building homes right out of High School. After several years of hot summers and dry winters, he was ready for a change of pace. Timing was close to perfect as he stepped in. We were expecting our 3rd son and Angels talent and experience enabled him to fill the gaps I was no longer able to.

I have watched my parents run a business together, and only those who have done it know it takes a special kind of patience and grace to pull off successfully.

Angel is a craftsman at heart. He understands what needs to be done and how to do it. He stepped into the roll of our primary builder and has already built several hundred pieces of furniture not to mention countless deliveries to so many of our special customers. He was the missing piece to Log Beds many of us thought would never be filled. I am so grateful and thankful to the man that I married! Here are to many more years of doing life side by side!

Papa… he deserves to be mentioned here as his perseverance is what brought us to where we are today. I do not remember a day when the shop did not exist. Even after a shop fire in 2002 we salvaged what we could, and got to work rebuilding what we had lost. Glimpses of the loss of that fire show up even to this day, but the shop itself is a reflection of my father. His heart and soul has built it up and has been sustained by him. Starting his craft at 19 years old he claims to have “found a lot of ways NOT to do things”. His signature style bed gave our business its name. Over the 30 years he has built and shipped across the country over 8,000 Log Beds and is still building our beds to this day! The saw mill is his life, and it is our honor to keep creating and growing off of his creativity! You will rarely see him leave the property, but you will always see a smile as he teaching his young grandchildren the craft of the Log Beds saw mill.

When things are new they feel shallow, without the depth of time.

The roots of our business is staked in the surrounding cedar forests.

30 years later we still harvest, process, and build out of that same cedar.

The 3rd generation is now running around the same dusty floors giving us renewed purpose and defined goals.

We truly know the meaning of Home and desire to help you define Yours.

whether you are just passing through

or are nestling into the

Hills of the Texas country side,

Our doors are open ready to welcome you into our little sliver of the story.

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Nov 01, 2024

Truly a testimony to the hand of the Lord over a family and a tradition of doing it right and together.

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